RKCC Banner - buy local


The Rockingham Kwinana Chamber of Commerce is very proud to promote our members to the local community. 

We believe that buying from and supporting local businesses is extremely important – especially when you see the wide range of providers that are members. 

Please share this business directory with your friends, family and associates.


Bra Town
URL: https://bratown.com.au/
Phone: 0895294969
Address: 9 Kent Street
Shop 1
Rockingham, 6168
Western Australia Australia
Email: bra.town@bigpond.com

Providing women with the largest selection of sizes, styles of Bras and Swimwear under the one roof.

Customers will be treated with care, respect and understanding, with our team boasting over 80yrs combined Bra and Swimwear fitting experience.

Bra Town – Something For Every Woman.

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